Looking at maps and planning |
We hoped to find pulpo or juvenile octopus in the morning
after a family who was fishing near us the previous night told us they were
easy to collect under rocks. Unfortunately the tide was in so we had to settle
for a quick dip in the ocean before packing up camp and heading south.
Brian satisfies a craving and dives into the Pacific |
Massive agriculture started in Camalu and continued through
San Quintin. San Quintin produces the most tomatoes in Mexico and nearly all
are exported to the US. Massive hot houses stretched to the horizon. We passed
acres of prickly pear plantations and fields of strawberries. Good old
Driscoll’s down in Mexico. The scale of production was mindboggling,
reminiscent of the Central Valley in California.
We picked up more food in San Quintin, accidentally paying
10 pesos to enter a clothing market that we thought was a food market. After
some confused driving and a few stops to ask for directions we finally made it
to the market we were originally looking for.
In El Rosario we
stopped in at Mama Espinozas to ask what time they opened in the morning because
Hannah told us they had the best lobster burritos in Baja. Hannah also informed
us that Mama Espinoza served as a pioneering figure in the area, helping bring
the first health clinics and offering a sort of refuge for travelers heading
down the peninsula. After El Rosario, Highway 1 winds through a huge swath of
rugged desert, travelers would check in with Mama Espinoza before heading south
and check back in when they made it back. Additionally Mama Espinoza was a
proponent of growing the Baja 5000 race, helping the race become the spectacle
it is today.
Brian celebrating |
As I poked my head in
the door, I saw that it was the fourth quarter in the Seahawks-Packers NFC Championship
game. I ran out to get Brian, a huge Seahawk fan and we ended up watching the
exciting end of the game with chip, salsa, and cold Pacificos
Brian was stoked while
I lay dejected after the Seahawk victory. Gathering the group, we headed out to
Punta Baja a small fishing village we had seen on the map.
Group shot on the way to Punta Baja |
We made it to the
village and asked some folks who were milling about if it was OK for us to camp
on what looked like a couple of deserted lots. They said of course and we had
our spot, on top of rocky conglomerate cliffs overlooking a beautiful point
break. We jumped out on the beach picking up a handful of interesting looking
snails and brought them back to camp. I walked over to one of the central three
houses on the point and approached a large group of folks to ask if they were
good to eat.
View from our spot, notice the perfect point break |
They shushed me and
told me to put them down and eat with them. (I would learn later that the white
shelled snails were in fact quite tasty, caracoles).
They insisted that I feast on fresh cheviche, an almejas (clam) salad, and a tomato based seafood stew with fresh
octopus, crab, and fish. I was humbled by the kindness of these wonderful
people. Alfondero, a boisterous, powerfully built man, insisted I have an ice
cold Tecate with them. Alfondero and his good friend Macoy, had a great time
ribbing me about everything they could, they laughed at my shorts and started
my initiation in Mexican slang. I understood a good portion of their jabs but
some were totally new words. Machine,
verga, and the words went on and on.
I tried to keep up and threw back some of my own jabs, which they loved
Marlin, Alfondero’s
better half, kindly explained many of the words, and welcomed me into their
family. Macoy and Alfondero were friends for many years and Punta Baja was
Alfondero’s home village. Punta Baja has only three permanent families who
currently live there. Two families run small kitchens that cater to 50 or more fishermen who come from El Rosario and the surrounding areas to fish daily. They
cook lunch and sell a variety of tobacco products, sweets, and snacks for the
fishermen. The third family consists of a retiree and the expert tortilla maker
who makes tortillas for both the kitchens
New friends |
So much kindness |
Alfondero had spent
many years fishing in the area and seven years diving for abalone and living on
a remote island off the point. Marlin’s mother and step father Ali, who live in
Los Angeles area were there along with along with Alfondero’s parents. Ali was
an Iranian immigrant to the US who ended up stuck in the US after the Revolution
in Iran. An older, mellow soul, he spoke excellent English and understood
Spanish. He was a calming complement to the wild and loud Alfondero and Macoy.
After twenty minutes I
was feeling bad that the boys were at camp thinking about what to make so I explained
that I needed to get them and make food with them. The ladies brushed off that
suggestion insisting that they all come over and share their food. They were
having a party that night and they wanted us to come. We pitched in a little
money for beer and I brought the rest of the lads over to feast.
We couldn’t believe our
luck, piles of fresh seafood and incredible company. There was a crew of young
ones, aka Josh’s specialty; in no time, six kids were tearing after an
exhausted Josh, attacking him with a plastic shark. They were merciless,
running him ragged. We thought the first three dishes were dinner but no, they proceeded
to pull out a massive pan heating up a mixture of butter and oil. Into the
cauldron of hot oils, they started placing fresh caught lobsters. Lobster after
lobster was cut and tossed in the oil, the meat side seasoned with salt and
pepper and finally garnished with a hefty squeeze of lime. Each was served with
a hot fresh tortilla
After eating two and a
half lobsters, I was stuffed, we couldn’t believe it, they kept encouraging us
to eat more and more, and the lobsters kept coming. Ridiculous. Later they
asked if we wanted to see the butchering of the borrrego (lamb or sheep), that would be the centerpiece of the
feast for tomorrow. I felt like I was back on our little farm as we watched the
cook tie up the legs and start bleeding out the sheep. It doesn’t come much
fresher than that. After a night full of
beer, lobster, and wonderful company we finally retired to our beds
Unreal arches |
Unbelievable vistas |

We decided that we
ought to stay on another day for the lamb feast. Brian, James, and Josh got out
on the perfect point break, while I took a hike with the young ones, Marlyn,
and her sister Laura. Then we proceeded to fish in the secluded cove that Punta
Baja sits above. They fed me freshly cooked
caracoles with lime, hot sauce, and
salt and I headed out on a trek all the way around the point, exploring rocky
caves, arches, and the best tide pools I have ever seen. Looping back over the
headland I finished the hike trekking down a small canyon with a multitude of interesting
plants and lichen; at least four different species hung from rocks, cacti, and bushes.
Soup with the young 'uns |
Upon returning, we all
stopped in for a delicious bowl of lamb soup with the families before they
headed back to Ensenada and their current homes. Bellies full and hearts full,
we rolled out our sleeping bags and made camp. We brought a flour sifter down
with us with the intention of using it for water purification. During the first
week of packing and unpacking the suburban we had started a bin for extraneous items.
We felt like it might be good to see if the main cooks who had been doing a ton
of work behind the scenes, if they wanted the sifter. I went over to ask and
when I arrived, Julia insisted that I come in for a cup of coffee. I sat down with
Julia and her husband Carlos along with one other couple from the village.
The tortilla maker had
suffered a series of incredibly horrendous accidents and had lost use of one
arm and was still the best tortilla maker in the area, she and her husband were
interesting folks. Each had experienced some serious hardship, with her husband
suffering a stroke early in life leaving him with only one arm to use. He spent
his life moving and collecting rocks all day, toting bags over 50 kilos with
one hand!
After an hour or so of
catching up and listening to stories, I was exhausted. I begged leave of them
so that I could head back to camp and pass out. The tortilla making couple
asked me to wait a moment because they wanted to give us a ling cod that they
had caught that day. Flabbergasted I waited while they brought back an eight
pound fish
Late night filleting |
Julia kept thanking us
for the sifter, which she was excited to use to make empanadas. I was just
overwhelmed by the kindness that each of the families showed. If you ever need
to find faith in humans or the human condition, simply start traveling and
talking with people, they truly are amazing
In the morning we
parted ways with Punta Baja with our filets of ling cod. It was Brian’s 24th
birthday so we picked up some tequila and unbeknownst to Brian, some nice
tequila and postres or desserts from
the market in El Rosario. From El Rosario the road snakes upward climbing into
the mountains. We had plans on staying in the Catavina area, in the center of
Parque National del Desierto Centro de Baja California. As we gained elevation
tan granite boulders started appearing and as we neared Catavina, they filled
the valley. Pulling off on a random road we found an exquisite camping spot and
started making lunch. We made exquisite mango-ling cod tacos. Josh, James, and
I headed on a short bouldering hike and returned to get Brian to come out and
join the desert fun.
Birthday boy |
The granite boulder
piles in Catavina are similar to the rosy granite that you see in Joshua Tree
National Park and in the San Bernadino mountains. We crossed the desert towards
some of the largest piles squatting down to peer at tiny desert flowers and
desiccated cactus, admiring their holey appearance. Stately elephant trees with
squat trunks and peeling bark filled many crevices in the boulders. Even
stranger, cirios or Boojum trees stood
erect with twiggy branches covered in leaves, however, each branch was no more
than twelve inches long and some of the trees stood over 40 feet tall. Some
cirios toppled over, hanging in Seussical fashion.
That is one good looking dude |
With the tan granite
boulders catching the light and massive cardon cacti (closely related to our
Saguaros) framing the landscape the entire scene was darn near unbeatable.
James described the vista as Dr. Seuss on a crazy acid trip. We climbed to the
top of the biggest boulder pile, making our way through caves and across tiny
spines of rock. At the top we munched on a bag of almonds, dried pears, and
oranges all washed down with our favorite dill pickle water, bullshitting away.
As a collective croup we are pretty darn good at that.
The strange cirios or boojum tree |
Climbing rocks |
Crazy boulders, plants, and light. A product of Dr. Seuss' imagination? |
At camp we made cumin
beans to go with chili powder, garlic, pepper, salt and flour dusted ling cod,
all garnished with lime. Muy sabroso,
as in delicious! Drinking tequila next to a small fire put a perfect accent on
an excellent day.
The following morning
we packed up and headed into Catavina after a narrow escape from our campsite.
The desert sand was trying to keep us in place but with some pushing and deft
driving we made it out. In Catavina we stopped for a loaf of bread and noticed
water flowing across the road. Exploring up a rocky canyon, we found fan palms
and lush greenery, an oasis standing in stark contrast to the rugged desert.
Eventually we found the source, water popping out of a spring and we filled our
water buckets.
Josh made me cry in
laughter during our drive south. When Josh was nine, his parents planned a trip
to Hawaii and completely surprised him, fooling him all the way into the
airport. What did Josh do when he found out the family was going to Hawaii? He promptly
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